Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Old Lady's Dream

"I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it."- Mae West.

For some reason I have a strong fascination for the Jewish community. It is strange because I personally do not know any particular member of that community. That also perhaps is one of the reasons why - the overall impressions does not get clouded by individual characteristics.
Almost everything about them fascinates me. Staring with the evolution- the search for a land, the struggles, and the formation of Israel. Couple of things in particular, about Jews appeal to me. Jews are essentially a nomadic community at heart. In spite of finally finding a home in Israel, you will find most young Israelis travelling all over the world in search of various things (including Manali cream). They crowd the melas in Pushkar, the cottages outside Manali, beaches of Goa and I am sure, likewise elsewhere in the world. Many are chronic wanderlusts- spending years on the move, some times with intervening careers and education, once they are done with their compulsory military service. In fact the Jews from other countries, where they still hold on to their roots, are also compulsive travellers and have at any point of time dropped out of the regular world to back pack.

Jews have been immensely successful professionally in meritocracies. Jews occupied positions of power in pre-World War II Europe and Americas. They are definately amongst the richest communities on a per capita basis on the east coast, and in England. In the US they have held on to very lucrative strong holds despite stiff competition in areas such as law, politics, medicine and most importantly finance. Their astute mental skills and the dedication that they usually possess for the their vocation, and by consequence personal upliftment is exemplary. As a community, they are the pride and prejudice of the country. In spite of their fewer numbers, they have accomplished so much, that many a race will struggle to display similar wares even as their numbers are far higher, and they have been around for much much longer. However, in oppressive communities Jews are a failure. Look aty those in Russia- I haven't heard of any Russian Jew who has excelled while in Russia. In the face of oppression, Jews struggle and I guess spend most of their time justifying their meagre success more than anything else. They are a free minded folk, and can go any distance unless you put the fear of death in them.

Another possible reason for the fascination with Jews in general and Israel in particular is that it is the only nation state to have been formed in the world as we know it- i.e. recent times. Therefore it is a lot easier to understand the evolution- helped along by a number of books- both fiction and non-fiction, exchanges, internet forums etc. Understanding the concept of Aliyah- even from a prosperous life in the US, the Kibbutz, community living and growing up. The saga of turning a barren land- either deserts or swamps into a fertile prosperous hub, is some thing which excites and interests me beyond words. A country which despite everything, manages to run with a clockwork precision. Actually, according to me, the formation of the nation state of Israel is the most heroic and fundamental of accomplishments of the human race in the 20th century.

Which also brings me to the central theme of religion. People say many things about religion. One of the most striking aspect of religion is that it is fundamentally divisive. A person can never belong to two religions at the same time. He may subscribe to two sets of views- or even attend mass on Sundays and temple on Tuesdays (like many of mixed parentage here do), but he can never never be of more than one religion at any point of time. Religions can live in harmony or fight tooth and nails for decades, but they can never mix. East and West Germany can unite, some day by some stretch of imagination- North and South Korea, but two religions however intermingled can never ever unite. It is a far too fundamental concept. For those who believe, religion remains a life defining aspect. Without sounding disrespectful or trite, I might add that it is even more fundamental than sexual orientations (given that there are people who swing both ways). But why was I thinking of that???

Now to answer a few questions:
Well, I dance, and I dance quite well. And no, even though I have learnt some forms of westerns, my presence on the floor resembles everything at once. But probably when you said that you did not intend any allusion to the dance floor at all.

And I have no clue why people write on blogs. I am no expert on neo-classical cyber psychology. I guess one part of the reason is anonymity - a certain detachedness which has come to define our generation. For instance, there are times when I feel closer to the waiters at Toto's more than anyone else in Bombay. Which is when I write here. And then when I see comments which have allusions to some things which are beyond what the average Anonymous reader sees on this page, it explicably makes me cyurious.

And yes, much as I would love to, I can't write in diaries anymore.

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. -Harriet Beecher Stowe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, let me congratulate you on your dancing skills. I have personally known very few men who have displayed or even felt the need to obtain any amount of perfection in this field.

I must also admit that you quote well. Makes for interesting reading. But nevertheless, it does not make it any less amusing to see someone trying to explain his fascination for jews. More often than not, fascination is really not the growth of human will. One might try to explain, but it essentially remains almost like other human emotions.

So now, a few things.

Overall impressions are to a large extent influenced by the environment in which one is brought up. And hence, can never really be free of prejudice, towards or against. So even though you might like to believe in the accuracy and unbiasedness of your opinions, you might turn out to be just as accurate as an archer in a centrifuge.

And then, I havent yet been able to understand what you really mean by religion. For are you not talking about the community of jews, or are you talking about judaism ?

And more importantly, why would one ever want two religions to unite ? That would be most undesirable. Live amicably, yes. Intermingle, why not ? But unite, why? Is it not the interaction of a "thesis" and an "anti-thesis" which creates a "synthesis". Otherwise for this dialectical materialism and this friction, would not any society , community, religion or idea decay and wither away ?
You are right, religion is a life defining concept for some. Maybe because, it isn't really about god.

But the one thing i havent yet been able to figure out is " The old lady's dream " and its connection with the jews of this world.
Oh yes, you got the dance part right. But you really dont need to be an expert in neo-classical cyber psychology to figure out why people blog. A classical approach to writer's psychology would do. In fact , sometimes, a monetarists approach also works. Its your pick really. I would say its the double lives we lead, and not the detachedness

5:29 PM  

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